Montag, 19. Dezember 2011

Analysis: Do not lie

I have to admit that I kind of gave up... After 2 days, you are not really able to tell how many lies you really used, because in deed you needed some. Of course, i often just said the truth (and belive me, that wasn't allways the best idea) but sometimes you do not even recognize it on your own.... First day / Lie number one: "No hon, I have no idea, where i got this pretty top from." (What I should have said: I don't like you and actually I do not want you to look better than me, so I won't tell you where i got it from :P :D )

So after all: You need them! There will be a lot of persons, who are not going to like you for telling the truth :( And it is quite easier to tell lies ;) 

Sonntag, 18. Dezember 2011

Christmas Presents !! :D

This year I'll give all my closest friends little presents for christmas =)
I searched really long, to find the perfect stuff for everyone =)
Hohohoho christmas could start right now ! =D

Mittwoch, 14. Dezember 2011

Should I cut my hair of?

Anyhow I'm quite bored of my hairstyle. They are long (really long, see picture) brown and absolutly waveless.... They are not special, just stupid. But even so, everyone loves my hair... But I need a change, so I consider to cut my hair fairly short. What do you think about it? Should I dare it? :S

Dienstag, 13. Dezember 2011

Wochenrückblick - Weekly Review

|Gesehen| Simpsons
|Gehört| Anberlin, Weihnachtslieder
|Gelesen| Schulzeugs über Schulzeugs
|Getan| Gebacken, Gelernt, Geschlafen, Gefeiert
|Geklickt| Blogger-Seiten, Asos, Zalando, Nelly, Deichmann, Dawanda
|Gegessen| Plätzchen, Toast, Pizza, Ente, Kartoffelsalat, Bratapfel
|Getrunken| Wasser, Apfelsaft
|Gedacht| Warum wird mein Lernstapel nicht kleiner? Oo
|Geärgert| Zugenommen und doofe Jungs, die einen nur an der Nase herumführen
|Gefreut| Spieluhr mit Weihnachtsmusik
|Gekauft| Kleid für Silvester
|Gewogen| 55.3 kg

|Seen| Simpsons,
|Heard| Anberlin, Christmassongs
|Read| Schoolstuff and much more schoolstuff
|Done| Baked, Learnd, Slept, Party
|Clicked| Blogger-Pages, Asos, Zalando, Nelly, Deichmann, Dawanda
|Eaten| Biscuits/Cookies, Toast, Pizza, Canard, Potato Salad, Baked Apple
|Drunk| Water, Applejuce
|Thought| Why does my leraning-pile is not getting less? Oo
|Annoyed| Gained weight an stupid boys, who fool around -.-
|Happy| Musicbox with Christmassong
|Bought| Dress for New Year's Eve
|Amazed by|  hmmm?
|Weighted| 55.3 kg

No time today =(

I am so sorry, but I just do not have time to write... Last days have been very busy =(
So just a quite short post today :) I'm searching a dress for New Year's Eve... If you find a pretty one, please give me the link =)
On the weekend, I'll show you a sum of the best ones ;) Yeah =D

What do you think about this top? Should I order it?

Dienstag, 6. Dezember 2011

No LIES this week :O

So in my opinion people overuse lies. Actually we lie all the time, every single day. A long-term study showed that up to 200 lies per day are possible!! Thats unbelivable. I'll trie to tell no lies during the whole week... It might be a little bit difficult but I'll give my best :D
Lügenforschung: Männer lügen mehr als Frauen und 200 Lügen am Tag sind möglich
Wie eine Langzeitstudie ergeben hat, lügen Männer rund 20 Prozent häufiger als Frauen, wobei Frauen eher in Bezug auf Gewicht, Alter oder Angaben zur Beziehung und die Männer bei Themen wie Hobbys, Auto und Karriere die Unwahrheit sagen.Laut dieser Langzeitstudie ist es so, dass jeder Mensch bis zu 200 mal am Tag lügt. Oft sind es die kleinen Dinge wo wir die Unwahrheit sagen und die Realität etwas verzerren um einen kleinen Vorteil zu erlangen. Dies beginnt schon beim Schminken.Die meisten Lügen sind aber eher harmlos und nicht wirklich schlimm. Man sollte sich aber schon merken können, was man wann wie erzählt hat, sonst kann es ein böses Erwachen geben. Ohne diese kleinen Lügen wären wir oft rüpelhaft und beleidigend.


                                 What would you say ? Do you reach the 200-lies a day?

Its Christmas - without snow

There is no snow in Germany yet... Normaly it starts snowing in November, but anyhow nothing is whit yet. Nobody is in "christmas-mood" and it looks more like October outside...
Thats why i painted my nails white and put glitter on it :) 
First steep towards christmas :P

Freitag, 2. Dezember 2011

Here is my first attempt to design my dram-book.
I hope you can read it.... Sorry but i do not have time for posting today...


Donnerstag, 1. Dezember 2011

10 Things I hate about you

I don't know whether you know this teen-series called "10 Things I hate about you". Usually I do not like stuff like that, but this one seems to be special - for me. Maybe because I do not have a sister, and always wished to have one. Maybe because I liked their dad right off the bat. He's a little bit weird but also really lovely :) .
(sorry just found the german link )

The story:
The family moved from Ohio to California. Bianca (Bi), the younger one on the left side tries hard to be a girly-girl, get famous and one of her biggest wish is to get a cheerleader. On the other side is her older sister Katharina (Kat), a smart, strong-willed feminist with a sharp tongue, who always tries to gets her way with her independent mind and deep ethical beliefs. One of her long-time goals has been to go to college at Brown University. I really like both charakters =) 

Bi has a wishbook, in which she writes down her most important wishes. I think this is a great idea, especially when you are searching for "yourself". So tomorrow I wil post my Whish-Book :)

Now I hav eto study maths for an important thest next week. See you :D

Mittwoch, 30. November 2011


Hi there,
I'm starting my own blog... And anyhow I don't really know what to start with.
Maybe I should introduce me first. I'm a 18 year old girl from Germany, probably known as one of those always well-behaving, standard girls... I have never been making problems so far...
And anyhow I do not really know who I am. I mean I have nothing what I am especially good at, I am in everything just ok. In school I like all subjects the same way... My exams will start in the beginnig of the next year, and I do not have any idea what I should study afterwards... 
After all I like drawing :D

I have some really good friends, but actually no one really knows me, and anyhow I don't even want them to know me. A teacher of mine always says, that you are never having friends. I think she is right. There are persons you call friends, but are they really freinds? Would you say you are a good friend, always honest and loyal?

So I want to find out who I am and what my talent is. ;) The song  "Secrets" from OneRepublic is one of my favourit songs and right no every line is true :)
So if you have questions you can ask me everything what ever you want :D

Why I named this blog PROUDY: 
It was simply the first name which poped up into my head :)